
The Medicinal Herb Info site was created to help educate visitors about the often forgotten wisdom of the old ways of treating illnesses. Many of today's drugs and medicines were originally derived from natural ingredients, combinations of plants and other items found in nature.

We are not suggesting that you ignore the help of trained medical professionals, simply that you have additional options available for treating illnesses. Often the most effective treatment involves a responsible blend of both modern and traditional treatments.

We wish you peace and health!

Rosemary Benefits, Uses, and Surprising Facts for Everyday Life

Rosemary is more than just a fragrant herb often found in Mediterranean cuisine—this evergreen shrub boasts a rich history of medicinal uses and surprising health benefits. Known for its distinct aroma and versatility, rosemary has cemented its place in the world of natural remedies and wellness. Let’s explore the remarkable benefits, everyday uses, and […]


Blending Herbalism into Home Décor, Dining, and Travel: Sonoma Shows Us How

When you think of Sonoma, picturesque vineyards and gourmet dining might come to mind. Yet, there’s so much more to this vibrant region, especially when you weave in the magic of herbalism. Let’s dive into how herbalism can enhance your home, dining, and travel experiences just like in Sonoma.

Revitalizing Your Home Décor with […]


Herbal Remedies To Grow Right in Your Garden

Herbal Remedies Growing Right in Your Garden Tips

There’s something magical about reaching into your garden and harvesting plants that promote health and wellness. Many garden herbs and flowers aren’t just for decoration or culinary use—they also offer medicinal properties to nurture your body and mind. If you’re interested in natural health solutions, your […]


Herbs That Fight Viruses

As our world is dealing with the onslaught of COVID-19, let’s talk about some herbs that have natural antiviral properties. And the good news is, many of them may already be in your herb garden or cabinet.

These are the usual suspects and not only do they fight against viruses, but most of them […]


New Herbal Articles

Here are a brand new bunch of articles that I’ve written for LiveStrong.com lately. I hope you enjoy them:

Black Cohosh During Pregnancy Red Clover Dangers Rosemary Oil for Psoriasis Does Milk Thistle Improve Sleep? Aloe Vera Juice & Psoriasis Gotu Kola & High Blood Pressure Milk Thistle & Dandelion on an Empty Stomach […]


My Latest Herbal Articles – Check Them Out!

I’ve been busy writing articles about medicinal herbs and natural therapies for the LiveStrong.com web site again. Here are some of the latest ones:

Benefits of Juicing Parsley Rosemary Herb & Hair Growth Fresh Ginger Root for a Cough Echinacea to Lower Blood Pressure Papaya Enzymes for an Upset Stomach Peppermint and Heartburn



New Herbal Articles for You!

Check out my latest articles on the LiveStrong.com web site:

Information on Red Clover Blossoms & Herbs Garlic and Stomach Problems Fenugreek Health Benefit Ginko Biloba & Hypertension 15 Uses of the Leaves of Neem Goldenseal Root & High Blood Pressure What Are the Benefits of Taking Kelp? Is Flaxseed Good for Hormones? Dandelion […]
