
The Medicinal Herb Info site was created to help educate visitors about the often forgotten wisdom of the old ways of treating illnesses. Many of today's drugs and medicines were originally derived from natural ingredients, combinations of plants and other items found in nature.

We are not suggesting that you ignore the help of trained medical professionals, simply that you have additional options available for treating illnesses. Often the most effective treatment involves a responsible blend of both modern and traditional treatments.

We wish you peace and health!


Scientific Names


  • Inonotus obliquus
  • Polyporaceae

Common Names

  • Birch mushroom

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Parts Usually Used

The 3rd layer (inner granulated parts)
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Description of Plant(s) and Culture

Chaga is a fungus-type growth, known as a mushroom, that also grows on beech and other trees. The growth is rough, dry, porous, crusty. It has deeply cut and crooked separations that have the appearance of dull charred wood on the outside. The surface is almost black. When sawn off the tree, it appears as though the tree is having a wart removed. There are 3 layers: 1. outside, rough with old bark and some twigs that must be cleaned off, 2. inside, soft, very close to the tree and must be cut off, 3. the middle part that is granulated and not spoiled, it is the part to use. Collect any time of the year. Store in a dry and dark place in a covered jar, as dampness and strong light dissipate its power.
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Where Found

A growth on birch, beech and other trees.
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Medicinal Properties

Anodyne, blood purifier, restorative, tonic
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Legends, Myths and Stories

Chaga has a long list of uses by Herbal Folk Medicine. Scientifically, nothing of importance was found. But Dr. Froben, showed cases of cancer that remain positive, despite the scientific failure. Since 1955, the Medical Academy of Science in Moscow has promoted Chaga for clinical and domestic medicine.
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Used for stomach complaints, gastritis, stomach ulcers, cancer, tuberculosis of the bones, will stop pain, and slow down or stop tumor growths. Treatment times recommended are from 3 to 5 months, with 7 to 10 day intervals. Chaga needs time.
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Formulas or Dosages

When preparing Chaga, think of it as yeast. Water too hot will kill the living fungus.

Infusion: 1 part of crushed Chaga poured over 5 parts cooled boiled (not boiling) water. Let stand covered 48 hours, strain, and again poured over 5 parts cooled boiled (not boiling) water. Drink 3 cups per day 30 minutes before each meal.
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How Sold

Solid extract, powder, and tablets dissolved in water, use as directed.

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Buy It! Indian Herbalogy of North America, by Alma R. Hutchens, Shambala Publications, Inc., Horticultural Hall, 300 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, 1973

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