According to a recent study, seven medicinal plants actually do slow or stop the growth of multiple forms of cancer, including cervical, breast, leukemia, colon, ovarian, liver, and uterine cancer. These plants have long been used by traditional healers to treat a number of ailments, but now they have been proven to have powerful effects against cancer.

“Medicinal plants have been used for the treatment of diverse ailments since ancient times, but their anti-cancer properties have not been well studied,” says Koh Hwee Ling, associate professor from the National University of Singapore’s pharmacy department.
“Our findings provide new scientific evidence for the use of traditional herbs for cancer treatment, and pave the way for the development of new therapeutic agents.”
Several of these plants have become endangered species and this highlights the need for their protection and cultivation. They may be valuable constituents of new and more effective treatments in the future.
“Given the scarcity of land due to rapid urbanization and the dearth of records on herbal knowledge, there is a pressing need to document and investigate how indigenous medicinal plants were used before the knowledge is lost,” says Siew Yin Yin, who did the research as part of her doctoral thesis under Koh’s supervision.
It is important to note that even with the discovery of the effectiveness of these plants in fighting cancer, people should not self-medicate without consulting modern medical practitioners. Often a combined approach between modern and traditional treatments could be the best approach.
Be sure to check out the full descriptions of these seven plants for the complete information about their beneficial uses.
- Bandicoot Berry
- South African Leaf
- Fool’s Curry Leaf
- Black Face General
- Simpleleaf Chastetree
- Seven Star Needle
- Sabah Snake Grass
Resource Links These Medicinal Plants Put Brakes on Cancer Growth
National University of Singapore: Anti-cancer properties uncovered in plants
Is there any where to buy bandicoot berry I live in England and cannot get it any where I have cancer
I found a place that will send you the seeds to grow it (–seeds?gclid=CjwKCAiAy9jyBRA6EiwAeclQhJkGGoHuzDmM-3zhRSsH692vj9kveeDUGhVRmf33-o_Paof7qFYHGxoCTiwQAvD_BwE) and here’s the info for international shipping from the US (
I will continue to look for the herb itself (not just the seeds) and will let you know if I find out anything.
Hi Sue Doyle,
I am from Maharashtra, India
We can able to provide you bandicoot berry. Pls reply us on my mail id for further details.
Take care
Mail id –
Of the seven plants, I jst know one, Seven Star Needle. I heard of it but I dare not try to use it. M suffering fm Leukemia, diagnosed 6 yrs ago n Glaucoma diagnosed 2 yrs ago, left eye with only 30% of blur vision. And for Hepatitis C, diagnosed 6 yrs ago; on 11th January 2020, blood test shown dat the HCV is not detected in my blood but hving fatty liver need to be monitored. Pls adv n need ur recommendation on any of this plants may help in my sickness. Thks n GBU.